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My Favorite Instagram Art Challenges

When I first started posting on Instagram, I had a hard time deciding on to draw. Then I discovered art challenges. These challenges give a prompt, usually a short word or phrase, which serves as a starting point to begin a drawing. Not only did these challenges help me fight against art block, but I was also able to find new artists through the challenge hashtags and conversely new people found me too. I have a lot fun doing these challenges and want to share my favorites with you:


Mermay, created by Tom Bancroft, is a challenge where you draw mermaids throughout the month of May. There is an official list but many other artists also create their own lists. I like mixing lists because I create more interesting drawings that way.

Inktober, created by Jake Parker, is a challenge where artists create ink drawings during the month of October. Like Mermay, many artists also have their own lists.

Draw This In Your Style is a challenge where an artist creates a character for other artists to interpret in their own style. Unlike other challenges, it can be done at any time of the year. Out of all the challenges, this is the one that brings me the most engagement.

The Goth Spring Challenge is a challenge during the month of March created by @evebluefoot and @eglebartolini. The challenge combines spring with spooky themes. Because of this theme it's one of my absolute favorites.

Folktale Week is a week-long challenge, usually in November, where artists make a drawing that tells a story based on the prompt of the day.

Childhood Week is a two-week challenge created by artist Beatrice Blue where one week takes place in the summer and the other in the winter. The theme of the challenge is childhood.

Sailor Moon Redraw is a challenge where you pick a screenshot of the Sailor Moon show and redraw it in her style.


It would be impossible to name all the challenges, but a good way to find a few is to search for “#Artchallenge” on Instagram. Another way is to follow artists who create and participate in art challenges. I find almost every new art challenge I participate in through other artists. Seeing other artists' work also adds to the fun and sense of community.

Follow my Instagram @lobomaravilha to see more of my participation in various fun art challenges.



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